You'll find all the details you need about purchasing tickets below. If you need further help or advice on which tickets you need, or what comes with the glamping upgrades, please take a look at our information page.

You’ve not got long before our Early Bird ticket tier ends – so get your tickets TODAY!

Tickets are non-refundable under any circumstances, so please ensure you read through our FAQs and our T&Cs carefully before purchasing your tickets. If we haven’t answered your question in our FAQs, please do email us using the contact form

If you are considering your upgrade and glamping options, head over here to find out more about them:

Please note Back for 2025 – We have updated our car parking tickets this year as a single entry ticket only. This means you can access the car park with the above ticket, and stay for the whole weekend. If you leave the festival car park and you drive back in, you will have to pay a re-entry fee of £5 each time. This is to help ease the flow of traffic on external roads, help protect roadways within the festival grounds and reduce the carbon footprint of the festival.


 If you need further help or advice on which tickets you need please take a look at our information page.